There are a variety of reasons that a financial advisor would be very useful. Financial advisors can not only create investment portfolios but can also create a plan that will incorporate all aspects of your financial life. It is a common misconception that a financial advisor can only advise you regarding investments, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. A very basic financial advisor can only perform duties related to investments but there are a variety of financial advisors that can help you on with more complex issues, such as insurance, debt, financing, and many other such things. There is also the issue of misinformation. There are many bad actors in the financial space that seek to spread misinformation or intentionally defraud. A financial advisor can be a valuable tool to verify potential claims as legitimate solutions for specific financial situations. Each situation requires a differing solution based on what guidelines that are set forth by the client. A “one-size-fits-all” approach to financial planning is inappropriate as each client has specific needs that may be neglected by such an approach.
This is why a financial advisor is crucial. A financial advisor seeks to solve your financial issues/worries. They understand that the newest fad may not be the best solution for you and can build on your preferences to find a suitable outcome.